Breast Enlargement in Dallas & Plano, TX
Breast enlargement is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures in the world. Women may choose to undergo breast augmentation for a number of reasons. Breast underdevelopment, changes related to pregnancy, breast feeding, or weight loss, and breast asymmetries are common reasons for augmentation. Breast enhancement can provide fuller or more symmetric shape and help improve self-esteem.
At the RH Plastic Surgery, Dr. Ha utilizes the most advanced techniques for breast Augmentation. He will provide a comprehensive consultation to review the various options and tailor the particular surgical plan to a patient’s anatomy and expectations.
What types of implants are available?
Saline and Silicone breast implants are the two types available for women undergoing augmentation. Both implants have silicone shells, but the inner filling is different between the two. Saline implants are filled with salt water. Silicone implants contain silicone gel. In 1992, silicone implants were removed from the market until further studies could be completed regarding their safety. After a comprehensive review, the FDA approved their re-introduction for use in breast augmentation in December of 2006. Dr. Ha will discuss the pros and cons of the implants during your consultation.
What type of incisions are used for augmentation?
There are three main approaches that Dr. Ha recommends. The most common is the Infra-mammary incision which is located in the fold just beneath the breast. A Peri-areolar incision is performed around the inferior border of the areola (around the nipple). A Trans-axillary incision is one performed in the armpit. Each patient’s unique anatomy may help determine which incisions may be most appropriate. Dr. Ha can discuss the benefits and risks for each approach during your consultation.
What is the surgery and recovery like?
The procedure generally lasts between 45 minutes to 1 hour and can be performed at a hospital or ambulatory surgery center. When surgery is completed, you will be taken to the post-operative recovery room where you will be closely monitored. Patients will have a bra and the incisions will be dressed with gauze. Pain and nausea medications may be provided during the recovery phase. You will be permitted to go home after 1 to 2 hours unless an overnight stay has been arranged.
Patients may expect some chest discomfort from 1 to 5 days. Medications will be provided for comfort. Activities will not be restricted and patients will resume normal activity as their comfort level dictates.
Post-operative follow-ups are generally scheduled for 1 week, 6 week, and 6 month, and 1 year after surgery. Patients will be given instructions regarding scar management and implant “exercises.”
Where are the implants placed?
Generally implants are placed beneath the pectoralis major muscle (“pec”). In some patients (more rarely), a subglandular (above the muscle) placement may be more appropriate.
What if my breasts are uneven before surgery?
Breast asymmetries are common. In fact, the great majority of women do have some unevenness to their breasts before surgery. This degree of asymmetry can vary widely for patient to patient. If the asymmetries are significant, an immediate (at time of surgery) or staged (second surgery) breast lift may be required to correct the asymmetry. In most patients with subtle asymmetries, breast augmentation will not correct them completely, and there will likely be some element of mild unevenness post-operatively. But this is a natural and expected occurrence.
How long will the implants last?
Breast implant shells will often weaken over a period of 10 to 15 years. This may lead to rupture of the implant. Saline implants will have release of the salt water which will be absorbed by the body – rapid deflation is often noticed. Silicone implants often have a slower “leak” causing some release of silicone gel into the surrounding tissues – this may cause asymmetric dimpling or deformity in the breast.
What are the risks of breast augmentation?
Fortunately risks for the surgery itself are low. Bleeding, infection, and early rupture occur in less than 2% of patients. Capsular contracture is a condition of abnormal scar formation around the implant – this can cause progressive problems with breast shape and may lead to discomfort in advanced cases. This occurs in 10 and 15% of patients over the lifetime of the implant. Rupture or failure of the implant often occurs between 10 and 15 years after surgery, however, this can occur at any time. In both scenarios, re-operation is indicated for removal of the capsule (scar) and replacement of the implants.
Some patients may have breast implant unevenness (malposition). This can develop over time and is seen more frequently when larger implants are placed. Breast lifting or implant down-sizing may be required for correction. Nipple sensation can be diminished after surgery, and a patient’s ability to breast feed may also be reduced. Mammograms after breast implantation may have slightly less detection rates for cancer.
What type of anesthesia is used?
For optimal patient comfort, Dr. Ha recommends general anesthesia. This also allows for complete muscle relaxation which facilitates implant placement and ultimately shortens operative time. Less muscle manipulation also improves post-operative recovery.